Meet Our Board

Susan Kirchheimer

Board President

Susan Kirchheimer is an attorney with over 33 years in community and public service.  As a NYS Assistant Attorney General in the Health Care Bureau under three administrations, Susan enforced laws protecting the public against fraudulent and deceptive practices by medical providers and insurers.  While a Senior Attorney at Disability Advocates, Inc., she brought civil rights impact litigation and conducted abuse and neglect oversight on behalf of individuals with disabilities. At the start of her career, Susan represented indigent tenants and performed homelessness prevention advocacy for the West Side SRO Law Project in NYC, and served as law clerk to NYC Civil Court Judge Saralee Evans.  

Along with RISSE, Susan’s community service includes volunteering as an attorney panel member for the Surrogate Decision Making Committee, NYS Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs.  She is also past President of Historic Albany Foundation.  Susan recently became a certified end-of-life doula and lives in Albany with her husband Jim and daughter Sarah.  Susan is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor.