Meet Our Board

Gail Kendall

Board Treasurer

Gail Kendall is retired from a 40-year career in non-profit management.   Her most recent employment was 17 years in the local Jewish community as Executive Director of Congregation Gates of Heaven, Executive Director of Congregation Beth Emeth, and Chief Financial Officer of Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York.  Prior to her Jewish communal work, she was the Director of Finance and Administration at the Albany Institute of History & Art.   Before moving to Albany in 1990, she was the Budget Director of the Boston Housing Authority and consulted for housing authorities in numerous large U.S. cities. She holds a Master of City Planning degree from MIT and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Urban Studies from Simmons University.

Through RISSE, Gail also tutors individuals preparing for their Citizenship Interview.   She is also Treasurer of the Endowment Board of Governors of the Jewish Federation and Secretary of the Foundation Board of Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors.  She delivers groceries to Albany households for the Shalom Food Pantry, and is involved in various volunteer activities for several other local community organizations. Gail’s grandparents were all refugees from late 19th century and early 20th century violence against Jews in Eastern Europe.